Quotes On Jesus Turning Water Into Wine Couple Questions About Jesus?

Couple questions about Jesus? - quotes on jesus turning water into wine

Church-goers here ... not only interested in a couple of things. Jesus is the Son of God, is not it? So, who is married to God? Is there like a First Lady? And they have sex? Or is it that the Immaculate Conception and in order to draw on?

Did Jesus preach the imminent end of the world? (wiki talk, but no details.)

Who is Jesus was at the wedding, when he turned water into wine?

After Jesus was "lost" as a child and then only 30 years later, was shocked to learn that he was the son of God? Or should we know? And if they knew, said he knew?

Was Jesus a virgin?

What happened to the woman who gave birth to Jesus (Mary?) And his father nickname?

Answer as much or as little as you want. But I respectfully request that not all the fonts I do not quote understand.


katiewal... said...

Hey, theology major here, but I can tell you what I think (in some cases to say what I was taught to believe and accept, unconsciously).

God is a kind of misnomer. This is not really the "father" son "and" spirit "of the three components of" God. "It is like the peel, yellow and white, none of these things that have no eggs. God is outside the dimension of time, the side think about is all the other dimensions, or some that completely covers all dimensions of all at the same time, they call omnipresent (everywhere at once). Given that by the time that has no lines, is limited. It was a birth of Jesus always comes from the sky. As the Father and the Holy Spirit. God is the ultimate creator of the situation out of nothing or no. In fact, says the Bible: "God formed man (Adam, the first man) from the dust of the earth and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living being. Gen 2:7. Sorry for the script, but soh my best.

It is generally accepted that God is neither male nor female but a male character. Adam was created in the image of the gods, and) Eve (first woman on the side of Adam.

Yes, according to the Bible, the end of the world is imminent. But I think no matter who you are speaking, atheists, Muslims, Jews, everyone thinks that the world is doomed. Everyone likes to think in different times. Scientists say the Big Bang go the opposite direction and we all have the implosion of the day or time you go back just before we in the time before the Big Bang ... So the answer is a categorical yes talk, no matter who you are.

I know once said that his marriage was. I know that was the mother of Jesus and all the disciples were also invited. In some circles, that Jesus was very popular and has been a privilege to have him. Most of the arguments on the water in the history of wine to turn around to see if the wine was alcoholic or grape juice. The word was, therefore, interchangeable. This is to discuss what many Christians spend their time.What amazes me sometimes with the church. I digress.

Jesus always knew he was the son of God. His mother and earthly father knew he was the Son of God, as Marry (mother of Jesus) was still pregnant. Many people in the world knew who Jesus was. The Magi (the three boys, gold, frankincense and myrrh that you see in the crib), through the angel told them who he was, and came bearing gifts to his hometown on his birthday to worship.

The first time Jesus said that he knew who he was when he was 12 years. He went with his parents in the temple for a celebration. Your patens began his long journey home after the party, but Jesus remained in the temple. They were with a large number of relatives and friends so they do not know that she had left behind. They thought back to a tour through the whole day and had again and bring the question of why "were treated like this?" He said, "Why am I looking? Did you know should be in my Father? "Their parents do not understand. Luke 2:41-5. I'm not surequite finished, but you can see, Jesus knew who he was.

I can be almost certain that Jesus was a virgin. Jesus was perfect, when he died. This means never sinned. It was a sin to break the seventh commandment ( "Thou shalt not commit adultery.") Adultery is sleeping with someone other than your partner. Jesus never married.

Birth, Jesus' mother and father to many other children. The mother of Jesus was at the crucifixion of Jesus, and believe that Jesus is risen from the grave after three days. It was a powerful force in the Christian movement.

isaiah53... said...

Why not find a simple reading of the Bible and their own answers?

or Google?

or start going to the chapel of Calvary ....... wherever you are.

Jesus is God, the Son of God in the sense that a legacy is not in the sense that my son is my son. Jesus is not the son (from the Greek "Teknon") by God, but the heritage of God ( "Hila"). It is not a separate entity under the same conditions as my son to me. Mormons believe is the opposite of why they are not considered a Christian religion or sect, but a non-Christian religion (all religions, sects in the general sense) are.

You do not understand the Bible? Really? so how are these questions? or learn to use a computer or Yahoo Answers? write or speak English? Sounds of fish.

Read John 2, which is a wedding, perhaps a marriage, marriages lasted several days in this culture, then maybe after the party. John is the only student, recorded the event. not say who it was. John's Gospel is only about 80-90% of the Gospel "s "as they're called.

Jesus was doing on the house of his parents' business from his father and said to Mary and Joseph did not lose his or her parents "behind" the left, then back home before they removed a few miles. This means that already seems to know, if not before, like Mary.

Probably yes, because for a Jew to have sex with a woman, and the marriage was not a sin, and Jesus was without sin and never married.

not sure if the last mention of Mary. on the cross (where Jesus was crucified), John has been burdened with the care, and the result is that Joseph was dead or not required.

PS: The Bible is not difficult to understand, he was given so that he could read. God wants you to understand that, as of May, in their majority, so at least the really important things. Many died so you can have the Bible we read today in a common language for themselves. Are you saying that my answers are easy to understand that the Bible is it? Really? The Gospel of John was written in the common language of his the day, and my English. Perhaps his gospel is simple, because I am polite, and John was unlikely.
Gospel of John, said that the same goal:
20:31 But these things are written for you, to your faith in Jesus as Messiah and Son of God lay. If you believe in him in real life.

Jesus can help you to understand everything, if you ask, I know!
But until then, frankly, a bit like reading someone elses after .... is not dealt with in another.

Alex A said...

UR will get a bull s hit

Midnight Crier said...

Hold the line.

1. Yes, Jesus is the Son of God. He existed before creation, and was there at creation, because without him nothing is created.

2. God is not married. Christ never married. There is no "first lady". They have no gender. (It is clear that the appeal to the spiritual sense)

3. They are familiar with the Immaculate Conception, it does not seem necessary to go into this for you.

4. Although they do not preach the gospel to the world as we know it stands, is imminent, according to the Scriptures. God will create a new heaven and earth, and it will happen.

5. The transformation of water into wine was the first miracle of Christ, and not a lie when a person has barely reacted. It was a wedding at Cana, Jesus, his few followers, and his mother Mary were invited to see you missed wine. Mary said to Jesus, and He said, "What have I to do with it?" My hour has not yet come. "Then he told the servants to do what Jesus said." Pots filled with water, and JEsus told them to draw water, and serve. A distinguished guest said it was the best wine.

6. Jesus teaches in the temple, and noted the reading of Scripture, as Joseph and Mary that he was not with them. They found him in the temple. He told them they would have known it, "his father's business." Waqs not lost for 30 years, but there was nothing written on them around 18 to 20 years, until He began his service. He knew that he (the son of God), as a boy of 12 years.

7. Yes, Jesus was a virgin. He was without sin.

8. Joseph and Mary had other children, and grew old and died. The book of James in the New Testament was the brother of Jesus, James wrote.

Doolie said...

Jesus was defineitely empty. Why are so many questions? I just came home from school. Most of the questions we ask, is not true of Jesus. Just go to a priest or a Christian church and ask people about their history?

Doolie said...

Jesus was defineitely empty. Why are so many questions? I just came home from school. Most of the questions we ask, is not true of Jesus. Just go to a priest or a Christian church and ask people about their history?

chosen84... said...

If you do not understand the Scriptures, it is perhaps not understand for you. Have you these questions to make fun of us or believe it, but because you do not believe that you create. "The enemy sent you?" I come to you, because if I do not believe, then just do not think so! Make fun of us. Why do you make your way to this question, think if you try to convince you not to to spend? Even if you do not try, and I am very serious. Pray to God, repent for their sins first, because you have heard, they do not regret first. Just say, forgive me for what I did wrong, also my unbelief. Then tell him you believe in Jesus and God raised Him from the dead. I know that you believe or not to have tried to read the Bible because it is not just an old book like "The Wizard of Oz or something like that. Then when you have done this, that the questions that have been published and show an initial response to ask these questions. Do not worry if the underside of theno auto "believe you, because I lie and that God is someone to play with.

zena e. The best is yet to be said...

Yes, Jesus is the God of Jesus did not leave a human mother (in Greek, is Mary the Mother of God) THEO .. GOD
Tokos CARRIER (CARRIER tokos God in the flesh)
God (father), became flesh (Jesus) is revealed by the Spirit (Holy Spirit), seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed justified in the world, received up into glory "(I Timothy 3: 16
The Holy Spirit (parakletos) in Greek
Several paragraphs of discussion to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and divine. ... Jesus called the Holy Spirit, who parakletos translated as Comforter, the ...
www.wcg.org/lit/disc/13HolyS.htm --

Jesus and his disciples went to the wedding
YOUR MOTHER / DB is a few people WEDDING?
NO Immaculate Conception (the original Greek)
Jesus said God was manifest in the flesh, was made by Mary. Mary was a virgin when manifest the word Logos in the flesh.

On the third day there was a wedding at Cana in Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there, and Jesus and his disciples were invited to the wedding.(KJV) John 2:1-2

And Jesus said to Mary, the wife or how it affects me ... Jesus never OPINION IN ANY Greek writings or genuine calls Mary his mother, when the wine is young, "said the mother of Jesus:" They have no wine. "
4 (y) Jesus said, "Madam, as you will answer for me?" My hour has not yet come. "

But Jesus turned the wine and water
Her mother told the servants: "Do whatever he tells you."
http://www.neverthirsty.org/pp/series/Li ...

Jesus preached the kingdom of God is within you.
If Doomsday Jesus said, as well as Judaism.
And he has promised eternal life .. If you are in God

james said...

Why swear?

Is it so hard to understand the Bible? Or not?

Is it hard to understand:

"Repent or perish." He believes in the Son has went from death to life and do not come under condemnation, but whoever does not believe is condemned already ... "

It is not difficult to understand, the Bible.

Schneb said...

"Jesus is the Son of God, is not it?"
Son of God - right.

So, who is married to God?
Israel is the wife of God. However, Jesus has no beginning and no end. It is eternal. Remember, it was in the beginning with God.

And they have sex? "
Sex is a physical process. God is spiritual.

"Did Jesus preach the imminent end of the world?"
No, he was preaching to repent because the kingdom is near. The world will be recreated and the State and the year 1000 to rule in the near future.

"Who is Jesus was at the wedding, when he turned water into wine?
It is not known.

"After Jesus was" lost "as a child and then only 30 years later, was shocked to learn that he was the Son of God?"
He was lost. What do you think you have lost?

"Was Jesus a virgin?
Yes, it has come to an end and that for the sins of the world die.

"What happened to the woman who gave birth to Jesus (Mary?) And his nicknameWhat father? "
Mary ends the care of John. He relates the events surrounding Jesus in his Gospel according to Luke.
We do not know what Joseph. He probably died when Jesus was a young man and later, Jesus took on the tasks of carpentry to support his family.

What in the "lost" part of Wiki. It simply means that the next event is the only record of an event in the life of Jesus between the time he was still a baby, and when he was baptized (a period of 30 years). The next event took place in one day.

Jesus' parents lost track of him during the Passover in Jerusalem. They found him in the afternoon at the Temple of the doctrine of the elderly. It is likely that was the time when Rome has removed their right to die. The rabbis tore his clothes, and regretted that the prophecy has been broken. Jesus was no doubt comforting to the elderly, the prophecy can be broken and that salvation was near. Teaching Teaching of Jesus was of age, btw, is part of the Jewish Bar MitzPHA ceremony is where a boy becomes a man.

Schneb said...

"Jesus is the Son of God, is not it?"
Son of God - right.

So, who is married to God?
Israel is the wife of God. However, Jesus has no beginning and no end. It is eternal. Remember, it was in the beginning with God.

And they have sex? "
Sex is a physical process. God is spiritual.

"Did Jesus preach the imminent end of the world?"
No, he was preaching to repent because the kingdom is near. The world will be recreated and the State and the year 1000 to rule in the near future.

"Who is Jesus was at the wedding, when he turned water into wine?
It is not known.

"After Jesus was" lost "as a child and then only 30 years later, was shocked to learn that he was the Son of God?"
He was lost. What do you think you have lost?

"Was Jesus a virgin?
Yes, it has come to an end and that for the sins of the world die.

"What happened to the woman who gave birth to Jesus (Mary?) And his nicknameWhat father? "
Mary ends the care of John. He relates the events surrounding Jesus in his Gospel according to Luke.
We do not know what Joseph. He probably died when Jesus was a young man and later, Jesus took on the tasks of carpentry to support his family.

What in the "lost" part of Wiki. It simply means that the next event is the only record of an event in the life of Jesus between the time he was still a baby, and when he was baptized (a period of 30 years). The next event took place in one day.

Jesus' parents lost track of him during the Passover in Jerusalem. They found him in the afternoon at the Temple of the doctrine of the elderly. It is likely that was the time when Rome has removed their right to die. The rabbis tore his clothes, and regretted that the prophecy has been broken. Jesus was no doubt comforting to the elderly, the prophecy can be broken and that salvation was near. Teaching Teaching of Jesus was of age, btw, is part of the Jewish Bar MitzPHA ceremony is where a boy becomes a man.

GodShew said...

Bible is allegorical puzzles to solve, should not be taken literally;
A bit like sailing through the last matrix until the end.
It's like a before and after the show on the comparison of justice / grace.
After successfully completed, was lost in its present form, then nothing.

Under the law all lost ... as if threatened with extinction.
By the grace not to be missed ... Hello.
Sun mentioned at the end of that grace.

Jesus is the Son of God in heaven above, divided plural.
Christ is the Son of God in heaven above the sky.
Eternal life and peace with God through Jesus -> Christ.
It is better, and risen with Christ, the resurrected Jesus.
Jesus the upper right, Christ is right on top.
Paul says things that the mind is not high, go to (higher) to perfection.

Jesus brought division (movement), and not) peace (rest.
Christ gave us peace) (Rest, not division (riots brought).
God is the author of Peace) (rest and) no confusion (unrest.

The mention of marriage, seventh, including the day;
When counting the days mentioned in John1 & 2:1.
It is in the allegory of Jesus in John 2:9 is the bridegroom.
Good wine is the worst of wine is the law.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

GodShew said...

Bible is allegorical puzzles to solve, should not be taken literally;
A bit like sailing through the last matrix until the end.
It's like a before and after the show on the comparison of justice / grace.
After successfully completed, was lost in its present form, then nothing.

Under the law all lost ... as if threatened with extinction.
By the grace not to be missed ... Hello.
Sun mentioned at the end of that grace.

Jesus is the Son of God in heaven above, divided plural.
Christ is the Son of God in heaven above the sky.
Eternal life and peace with God through Jesus -> Christ.
It is better, and risen with Christ, the resurrected Jesus.
Jesus the upper right, Christ is right on top.
Paul says things that the mind is not high, go to (higher) to perfection.

Jesus brought division (movement), and not) peace (rest.
Christ gave us peace) (Rest, not division (riots brought).
God is the author of Peace) (rest and) no confusion (unrest.

The mention of marriage, seventh, including the day;
When counting the days mentioned in John1 & 2:1.
It is in the allegory of Jesus in John 2:9 is the bridegroom.
Good wine is the worst of wine is the law.

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ with you all. Amen.

The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! said...

Okay, you have the words Muslim and Christian. Well, here is another Christian, I will do my best:

1. Yes, Jesus is the Son of God. His birth was a miracle in two ways: 1 There was no sexual relationship. 2. Mary was a virgin. If God, the universe and everything that could make it, do not see why it could not enforce the seeds in the womb of Mary. No, it is a "First Lady". God has no gender, and does not need sex.
2. Not really. It will happen "soon" and we must be ready, but "soon" is a relative term. He gave us signs to see, though.
3. In reality, not to say that marriage. Everything he says is that there is a wedding at Cana in Galilee. You can read the story here:
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?boo ...
4. Jesus knew from the beginning, he was the son of God. He knew what was his goal. This is reality TV, at least partially, in the first part of this question. You mentioned that thereING is "lost" as a child. I was twelve was, her parents had gone with him at Easter, like every year. Unbeknownst to them, Jesus stood in the temple, talking with the priests. When his parents finally found him, told them he was at home, "Father." They were not aware at the time he was the Son of God, but it was safe. You can use the full account read here:
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?sea ...
5. Was Jesus a virgin? It's something I do not know. I think it was because there was no way he would be so cruel to let a woman and a child, the children (or) as it should. He understood its purpose.
6. Joseph was no longer mentioned, except the first part of the life of Jesus. It is assumed that Mary and Joseph had died a natural death, sometime thereafter. Mary was present (at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit) gave the disciples, but does not mention it.

Oh, and another voice: theDA VINCI CODE (DAVINCHI or not what he wrote) that is labeled as fiction. The only reason that some Christians do not like, because gullible people do (ahem) as a fact.

I hope some of this aid. If you have further questions, please contact me. I'll help if I can.

The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! said...

Okay, you have the words Muslim and Christian. Well, here is another Christian, I will do my best:

1. Yes, Jesus is the Son of God. His birth was a miracle in two ways: 1 There was no sexual relationship. 2. Mary was a virgin. If God, the universe and everything that could make it, do not see why it could not enforce the seeds in the womb of Mary. No, it is a "First Lady". God has no gender, and does not need sex.
2. Not really. It will happen "soon" and we must be ready, but "soon" is a relative term. He gave us signs to see, though.
3. In reality, not to say that marriage. Everything he says is that there is a wedding at Cana in Galilee. You can read the story here:
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?boo ...
4. Jesus knew from the beginning, he was the son of God. He knew what was his goal. This is reality TV, at least partially, in the first part of this question. You mentioned that thereING is "lost" as a child. I was twelve was, her parents had gone with him at Easter, like every year. Unbeknownst to them, Jesus stood in the temple, talking with the priests. When his parents finally found him, told them he was at home, "Father." They were not aware at the time he was the Son of God, but it was safe. You can use the full account read here:
http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?sea ...
5. Was Jesus a virgin? It's something I do not know. I think it was because there was no way he would be so cruel to let a woman and a child, the children (or) as it should. He understood its purpose.
6. Joseph was no longer mentioned, except the first part of the life of Jesus. It is assumed that Mary and Joseph had died a natural death, sometime thereafter. Mary was present (at Pentecost when the Holy Spirit) gave the disciples, but does not mention it.

Oh, and another voice: theDA VINCI CODE (DAVINCHI or not what he wrote) that is labeled as fiction. The only reason that some Christians do not like, because gullible people do (ahem) as a fact.

I hope some of this aid. If you have further questions, please contact me. I'll help if I can.

petsnake... said...

1) Jesus Christ is God, the Almighty. They are an equal in the. Christ is "just" another facet of an omnipotent God (the Holy Spirit). There is no first lady did not marry. There was no place to be, because God is Christ.

2) Yes, he has preached in the world. Threatening does not immediately mean that it will mean something.

3) Never as a child lost. He lived as a life experience of children carpenters as a man goes through trials and tribulations

4) Yes

5 er) old and died with the times. There are no specific accounts of Joseph, but probably not the same.

Elan Undercover said...

Jesus was a virgin.

It was lost for 30 years .. his family was on its way to another town for the census and the crowd, Mary and Joseph, has lost track of him .. I have found in the city on the road a. He was in the temple talking with the rabbis.

Truth said...

1) Jesus is the Son of God, is not it? So, who is married to God? Is there like a First Lady? And they have sex? Or is it that the Immaculate Conception and in order to draw on?
Jesus used the analogy of father and son to help believers understand the faith and obedience, he was God. Jesus was not God's son in the same way that he was the son of Joseph.
On earth, Jesus was born of Mary of the Immaculate Conception.

2. Did Jesus preach the imminent end of the world?
He mentioned the end of the world, in passing, but mainly talked about his return to Earth.

3. Who is Jesus was at the wedding, when he turned water into wine?
Probably a family member, as his mother, who asked him to do something.

4. After Jesus was "lost" as a child and then only 30 years later, was shocked to learn that he was the son of God? Or should we know? And if they knew, said he knew?
Most theologians, that Jesus probably his mission ended when he was 12 years.
The family came Jeresuleum for Easter. Passover is a religious holiday, and today, all observant Jews will celebrate Passover in the Temple of Jeruseleum. 12 the age at which a Jewish boy is a man who is like participating in the ceremony part. They have so many old friends and extended family that you are only at Easter. Women speak in a corner. The men speak in a different corner. Children play with very little control. At that time Jesus came. He went into the church to the Scriptures with the experts to examine.
Mary believes that it is with Joseph. Joseph believes that he and Mary. Both seem to be the best in the group with his cousins and friends. To get to where they know their stock and that Jesus is not there.
So they send her brothers for research. Research. You start to panic. Meanwhile, Jesus spoke with teachers, no idea of the time.
Joseph and Mary round-trip per day and find them. It is Jesus that time gone lost.
You will not hear again until he is 30 because Gospenot include the writers (and culture in general) children really are.

When Jesus was 30, was once preaching in the temple, that the time was, and say things that the priests they thought blasphemous.

Was Jesus a virgin?
Yes, but say it is probably a workaholic instead of sexual repression.
He had no time to marry or have children, because the sermon, he was so busy, etc.

What happened to the woman who gave birth to Jesus (Mary?) And his father nickname?
Joseph is not mentioned much in the adult life of Jesus. Most scientists believe that he died before Jesus was a man. Maria was the custody of the apostle John, when Jesus was crucified.

Answer as much or as little as you want. But I respectfully request that not all the fonts I do not quote understand.
Try a modern Bible. I prefer the message. It is very easy to use.

Katie said...

Well, I'm Mormon, not worship of thanksgiving, with the rules of the Kings James Version Bible is consistent.
But somehow I agreed to answer some of my beliefs, I'll let other people because I could not explain.
So, yes, that Jesus is the Son of God. When Jesus was young, I knew he was the son of God, as Mary of the Annunciation, as if an angel sent to Mary to tell her that the fate of his son. Jesus was a virgin. Mary stayed and supported Jesus during his journey to crucifixion. What is Joseph I'm a little unsure, because I'm new church observer to the wiki, San Jose, maybe something could come and check answer your questions. I hope I helped a little.

Cheil H said...

It was the First Lady, God the Father, Mary is the mother of his child. Mary was only 14 when she gave birth to Jesus and she was a virgin before pregnancy. God has Mary because she her faithful. The Holy Spirit inpregnated Mary. What can be said, is a part of God, but have no sex.

Jesus was was not lost, was found in a church and talked about religion and God with some men of God, Mary and Joseph, and then stayed together a little longer.

He knew he was the son of God, or at least he was without sin and has supconscieously.

Jesus was a virgin, never married and never had a relationship with a woman like that was without sin.

The brother of Jesus took care of Mary after Jesus was crucified and died shortly thereafter.

Marriage, I'm not sure if I can not say.

Cheil H said...

It was the First Lady, God the Father, Mary is the mother of his child. Mary was only 14 when she gave birth to Jesus and she was a virgin before pregnancy. God has Mary because she her faithful. The Holy Spirit inpregnated Mary. What can be said, is a part of God, but have no sex.

Jesus was was not lost, was found in a church and talked about religion and God with some men of God, Mary and Joseph, and then stayed together a little longer.

He knew he was the son of God, or at least he was without sin and has supconscieously.

Jesus was a virgin, never married and never had a relationship with a woman like that was without sin.

The brother of Jesus took care of Mary after Jesus was crucified and died shortly thereafter.

Marriage, I'm not sure if I can not say.

ahmed_fr... said...

Your answers are in the Quran:

[3:42] The angels said: u0026lt \\ \\, O Mary, God has chosen thee and purified. He decided for you in all women.

[3:43] "O Mary, be submitted to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow to him."

[3:44] It is a story from the past, we will show you. You were not there when they took their drawings to select the guardian of Mary. They were not present when they discussed.

[3:45] The angels said: u0026lt \\ \\, O Mary, God, you have some good news: a word from him, whose name is "the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary. It is important in this life, and in Hereafter, and one of which the closest to me. "

[3:46] "He wants to talk with people from the crib and an adult, he will be among the righteous."

[3:47] They said: "Sir, as I have a son when no man hath touched me?" He said: "God creates what He wills. To get anywhere, he simply told her:" Be "and it is.

[3:48] "Theteach him the Book and Wisdom, the Torah and the Gospel. "

[3:49] as a messenger to the children of Israel: "I come to you with a Sign from your Lord - I create for you from clay the shape of a bird, and breathe into it and becomes the approval of a bird living God. I'll be the sight to the blind, healing lepers and raising the dead with God's permission. I tell you what you eat and stores them in their homes. This should be a test for you if you are believers.

[3.50] "I revoke imposed confirm earlier writing - the Torah - and certain prohibitions. I come to you with sufficient proof of his Lord. Therefore, God must conform, and obey me.

[3:51] "God is my Lord and your Lord, to worship Him alone. It is the right way."

grannie said...

Some things will never understand God by our finite mind. When we push something on our understanding, we must walk by faith. Jesus preached about the end of the world, and we hope to offer the fans. We do not speak for the happy couple at Cana, where Jesus turned water into wine, but I know that this is his first recorded miracle. When Jesus was 12, had lost in the temple. However, it was found several days later from his mother and Joseph. Jesus was a virgin. Mary, his mother at the crucifixion of her son, but no mention of Joseph. He did not say what happened. I hope you buy a Bible to understand concepts easily. There are many available. And I pray that the Holy Spirit opens the eyes of your heart that you understand the message of the love of God! God bless you!

ashleigh kate said...

Wow it's a lot of questions!
First, Jesus is the Son of God, but while he is God, and God is Jesus. It is a Holy Spirit is also part of this trinity.
It's like God is water, ice, and Jesus is the Holy Spirit is the steam. The same three parties.

When Jesus turned water into wine, was the marriage was just one of the wedding of his friends.

I think you mean, when he missed on 12th His parents, Mary and Joseph is back in the same chapter of the Bible. He had not lost for long. I think that overtime I'm getting older, he knew, only he was the Son of God.

Yes, Jesus was a virgin. The Bible tells us, if nothing else.

Mary and Joseph married and had other children together.

Hope this helps a little.

Everard G said...

"Do not quote some passages"
All eggs in one basket, and it says in the Bible - is the only place where the child Jesus is mentioned, there's always a little weird for me.
If he did what he had done, his name woulda been splashed on every newspaper in the world ... even China and South America, but ... It was not.

Whatever can not answer, without referring to it as possible.

wefmeist... said...

If I were you, I would not want anyone's opinion, because there are many liars in this forum
Please read the New Testament to your car.
If you do not have a Bible in your house, you can do everything can be found online at:


Soard666 said...

I propose to see you "Danvinchi code", which most Christians would not, but it is very factual rescently discovered about Jesus Christ!

Watch to see your mind at all Oppen, or if you are convinced from the outset, bullsht that all would see and hear!

Joy said...

Jesus, God created spontaneously in the womb of Mary, is called the Immaculate Conception. No. 1 Lady or woman of God, Jesus is like a god, I believe, more people believe that Jesus is God.

I do not think Jesus said at the end of the world imminent, there are several signs mentioned in the Bible which indicate the end of the world, some say that there will be some. There are many films.

It was the wedding where Jesus turned water into wine, was an after dinner in my opinion, I do not remember the host.

Jesus was not lost for 30 years, but it is a story of his life for a certain period.

According to the Bible that Jesus was a virgin, there are stories of him having children.

Mary and Jesus stayed in touch, she was there during and after the crucifixion, and helped to discover that the body had disappeared from its resting place.

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