Laundry Room Flooring Why Do They Not Test For Radon Gas In Laundry Room?

Why do they not test for radon gas in laundry room? - laundry room flooring

I sell my house and I did a test for radon in my laundry room is located in the basement there, but I have a website that the test should not be in the laundry. Why not recommend the test in the laundry?


kittyrog... said...

The test is done at home (no basement). If radon is present, it is filtered by the earth in the basement and possibly at home.

kittyrog... said...

The test is done at home (no basement). If radon is present, it is filtered by the earth in the basement and possibly at home.

cwusmitt... said...

I think the dryer vents that allow radon to enter the room easier. The local climate is also a great influence on the results.

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