Good Credit Cards For Bad Credit Is It Better To Have More Credit Cards With A Good Credit Amount?
Is it better to have more credit cards with a good credit amount? - good credit cards for bad credit
I have about seven credit cards, I have good credit, but never half of them and want to cancel is bad, I'm making a bad loan? Or should I keep them all and do not use them?
That will affect your credit score is the credit score is the difference between available credit and what you use.
When you close the accounts of their smaller total available credit, allows for a balanced look bigger, which does hurt your score.
The score also tracks the length of your credit history. Close the accounts of more can eliminate the time, so that your credit history, new picture of what is real, that may affect your score.
You need the card and keep small amounts every month and pay their balances in full.
The general rule is that if you close a credit card account, select one of the new accounts. Keep the cards you have enough time to keep your credit card score had a little more.
Yes, it will impact on your credit card. Credit bureaus to show you the credit available and choose not to use or maintain the balance in 40% of the border. Hold open it.
It's never good to have credit cards. Ever. Period.
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